How to Discover Your Next God Adventure

Have you ever asked God, "What am I suppose to do? What is my assignment from you, Lord?"Actually, it's not that hard to discover what God wants you to do, whether for a day or for a lifetime.

Look at it this way...

Life hasn't always be cookies and cream for you. But you've pushed through the swamps and discovered things about yourself you never knew. You've become a hero, and you may not even be aware of it.

Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves. -Carol Pearson

You've learned things. Things others would appreciate knowing.How many times have you heard someone express a problem, be it in person or on Facebook, and you knew you could help them. You related to their pain, and you had an answer they needed to hear.

But you never said anything.

Do you really want to storm the Enemy's camp? Make Jesus famous in your little world?Look at the problems around you... in the lives of the people you live and work among.What problems can you solve with the wisdom you've gleaned through your journey?What gifts can you share with others when moments of stress overwhelm their lives?Instead of asking God, "What am I suppose to do with my life?" ask "What problems can I solve for these people? How can I help them."These problems could be physical, spiritual, emotional, relational, financial, technical, health related, work related... you get the idea.Look for the people that have problems you can help solve. That's God's direction for you.Stepping into someone's life to help can take a few minutes, a day, or even longer. But if there's a certain type of problem you consistently help people with, it could be the start of a new ministry or career for you.Now that you know what God wants you to do.Just do it.It's your next God adventure. Enjoy it.So tell me... what problems have you helped solve for people? List them in the comment section below this post, cuz I'd really like to know.And before I run off, here's a few more posts that might get your brain cells clickin'...3 Simple Ways to Encourage OthersMake a Difference Now?How to Help Someone With CancerCatch you later, Susan


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