Help, I'm Stuck With These People For the Rest of Eternity!

Help, I’m Stuck With These People For the Rest of Eternity

How to get along with Christians who drive you nuts!

Spiritual legacies are built through relationships. This book will show you how to live peaceably with the nice and not-so-nice folks in your life and enable you to deposit a spiritual legacy while you do.

Intercessors, God’s End-time Vanguard:

How to Pray Effectively For the Things That Matter Most

Learn how to pray, how to hear the voice of God, and what it means to leave a legacy of prayer.

Tom Gaddis book This Is Not Going Well

Want to know a little bit more about Tom’s book, This Isn’t Going Well?

Watch the video below…


How to Plan a Short Camp Grandma

If you’ve never hosted a Camp Grandma or Cousins camp, start with a simple 2 day-1 night event.

How to Plan a Cousins Camp or a Camp Grandma includes what you need for a 3-day camp or longer.

It’s the basic overview of what I teach in my workshops on putting together these camps.