You probably didn't realize how unpredictable aging would be.
Hi, I'm Susan. I wanted a life that looked like a glorious travel brochure of aging, but I forgot to read the "warning" label.
You thought you’d finally have time to do all the things you’ve wanted to do for years.
The nest is empty (or sort of), you can travel, enjoy hobbies, new grandbabies are arriving, and you can hang out more with your friends.
But aging has thrown you some emotional curve balls you didn’t expect.
At least not so soon.
Sure, you knew there would be some adjustments as you grew older, but… really? This many? NOW?
Unlike the 9 months you had to prepare for a baby, these challenges often interrupt your life without warning.
Your body changes without notice.
Your elderly parents suddenly need your help more than ever.
The economy isn’t playing nice with your finances.
Your empty nest has been re-nested with your boomerang adult children.
A family member is suffering from a disability, serious illness, or addiction.
You’re separated from people you love through distance or death.
Medical appointments have become a priority.
Loneliness, anxiety, and depression haunt you more often than you care to admit.
Does any of these sound familiar?
And you wonder why you feel overwhelmed, confused, frustrated, or insecure!
Every bullet point mentioned above? I've experienced them all.
I'm Susan Gaddis.
I've raised 6 kids and survived. So did they, thankfully.
For most of my life, I pastored a church alongside my husband, Tom, learning how Jesus changes dysfunctional people into healthy ones, especially me.
My training and passion are that of a pastoral counselor, teacher, and speaker. I've written 3 books along with many articles published in Ministry Today, The Teaching Home, and Foursquare International, to name a few. I was also listed as one of "10 Women You Should Know" in Foursquare Leadership Magazine.
Now, that’s what I call the sparkly highlights, BUT life after 50 came with its own bag of tricks.
During my 50s, I was diagnosed with colon cancer and went through major surgery and months of recovery. It was a life interruption I hadn’t anticipated.
My fifth decade also saw the decline and passing of my mom and dad, each needing care that I had no training for. After Dad’s death, I handled his estate for five years before we were able to close it. It was time-consuming and stressful.
The loss of close friendships and watching my husband struggle with burnout robbed me of the emotional support I’d always taken for granted.
You might say my 50s was a time of growth through fire.
At age 66, after 42 years of pastoring beside my husband at Father’s House, Tom and I retired. I dreamed of long hours in the sun catching up on all the reading I hadn’t found time for, but…
…retirement provided more life interruptions, adjustments, and challenges than I’d expected.
Here's the deal
I believe that the older I get, the more I need to invest in personal growth through intimacy with Jesus.
I also believe in purposefully finishing my race well and living the spiritual legacy I want to leave with those I love.
This is what led me to take what I’d learned and practiced as a Christian pastoral counselor and provide it for women over 50.
I do that by designing learning experiences that are empowering, fun, and relatable.
Fun Facts About Me
When I’m not coaching, I can be found:
laughing with friends
traveling to Finland to visit one of my sons and his family or visiting our youngest who works in Spain
enjoying a eight-hour binge of watching sci-fi
mixing up sugar-free ice cream
sipping a cup of coffee while engaged in deep conversation with my husband
getting into trouble with my grandkids
reading a novel in a day
hosting lovely tea parties for my granddaughters.
If you're dying to know more, check out these tidbits:
I grew up on a ranch on the California central coast. (Yep... cows, horses, and cow-pie wars included.)
We moved back to the ranch after we retired. *happy dance.*
I host an awesome Camp Grandma every summer for my grandkids.
Our house is ruled by an energetic Boston Terrier, Jack, and Max, a dog of unknown origins.
I don't like it when "someone" leaves the toilet seat up in the middle of the night.
On a hot summer evening, I often go skinny dipping before bed. (And now that confession has ruined my kids' lives forever.)