10 things to do with your grandchildren this school year

Having grandchildren in school opens up some unique opportunities for grandparents to be involved in their lives.I know you may think that this is difficult if you live far away from your grandkids, work at a busy job, or aren't able to get out on your own much.But it's not. Among the 10 ideas I'm sharing in this post are ones you can do even if you aren't able to be active in their lives in person.

10 things you can do to participate in your grandchildren's school year

Don't wait to be invited to be involved. You're the grandma here, so put on your big girl panties and participate in your grandchildren's school year!

 1. Go to their recitals, concerts, sports events, and class plays. Be proactive in getting the dates for these events. Don't put it on the parent's shoulders to call you. Get the school year calendar at the beginning of the year and mark your personal calendar!

 2. Help them with their homework for an hour a week. If you can't be there in person, do so over Skype or Facetime. (Be sure you're helping them with a subject you understand.) Many times, just listening to a child read aloud or go over his homework with grandma is all that is needed.

 3. Be your grandchild's biggest fan. Be interested in his academics and his social life. Encourage and brag on him around other people... especially when your grandchild can hear you.

 4. Give your grandkid a hug and a kiss instead of asking for one.

 5. Call your grandchildren regularly. Let them know you're calling especially to speak with them. Ask about their school activities and then listen, make appropriate comments, and tell them how proud you are of them.

 6. Text them before a big school event to tell them you're praying for them.

 7. Send postcards and letters throughout the year to congratulate your grandchildren on passing a test, performing in an event, or for having a great attitude in school when you know that isn't easy.

 8. If they are on social media, be cool. Don't be the dorky grandma who embarrasses them in front of their friends. If you're not sure if you are being dorky, ask their mom. (If you ask your grandchild, he may not want to hurt your feelings. Mom will want to protect her child. So ask Mom.)

9. Find out what books your grandchild likes to read, movie and bands she enjoys, and games he likes to play. Then educate yourself in each so you can have a conversations with your different grandchildren that they each find interesting.

10. Pick a grandchild up after school to go for a coke and hang out for awhile. If they like onion rings, buy them onion rings to go with the coke. Most often it will be fries and a hamburger.

These are the days your grandchildren will remember forever. Don't miss the opportunity to be a part of their school lives.Doing so goes a long way in opening doors for them to be open to hearing about the Lord from you.For more ideas, read Grandparent your grandchildren back to school.Hugs,Susan


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