When Your Grown Kid Isn't Into Jesus

I'm not sure what hurts more, colon cancer surgery or a grown kid who isn't interested in Jesus.I've had both.Did you know that 70% to 88% of kids raised in a Christian home will choose not to follow Christ after they finish High School?If you weren't a Christian when you raised your kids, the percentage is even lower that your children will ever become believers.Maybe it's something you're embarrassed to talk about, but I'm not. I want to talk about it.I want every, single, little toe that I played "This Little Piggy" with to make it to heaven.Plus, I don't want them to screw mess up their life here on earth.And that goes for my grandkids too.

So I've put together one of my 5-day online parties.

I'd love it if you could come.We'll talk about God, what He's up to with our kids, how we can graciously (because sometimes we're not so gracious) work with Him to influence our grown kids for Jesus, some new prayer strategies, and a bunch of other stuff.And of course, it will be super fun... even if we're talking about our kids who don't want God in their lives right now. (If we're gonna talk about discouraging stuff, I want to make sure that laughter is involved!)I'll cover the cost. Cuz we haven't gotten together in months... and you know how you always love my online parties.Fun activities. Prizes. And, of course, some serious devil kicking.You can RSVP and pick up more details HERE.Hope you can join me,Susan


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