Your Giggle For the Day - Learning Cursive

It's been a crazy few weeks. Maybe for you too? I know I'm ready for a good dose of joy to lighten my day.So I dug up a few minutes of laughter to share with you.This clip ties into your legacy ... and why kids need to know cursive.I know. Really? Cursive writing? Not what you normally think about when we're talking about a legacy.But Jeanne Robertson delivers it royally.Now ... don't you feel better?At least your bones should ...... because "A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones" (Proverbs 17:22).[bctt tweet="Laughter's good for your body and soul. Especially when your spirit is as dry as dust."]There's something that happens when you experience laughter and joy. Deep inside a warmth begins to spread over the tired areas of your soul ... the hurting regions ... the dry spots.

Your body reflects that change.

The movie, Patch Adams, reflects this. It's the story of a medical student who treats patients via humor. The movie brought a new perspective to the healing community, though its wisdom was always there ... hidden in Proverbs 17:22.Will your legacy reflect a merry heart? Maybe that's a work in progress for you, but it's a healthy pursuit.Your turn: Tell me about the one thing that always makes you laugh. Have a joyful weekend. And watch your email for your Legacy newsletter coming out Sunday. It's a good one. (And if you aren't on my email list, just click on over and sign up.)Giggling along with you,Susan


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