4 Ways to Spiritually Decorate Your Home For Christmas

Have you noticed the Christmas shopping commercials this year? Yuck. Especially the ones that replace the powerful words of old Christmas carols with "Buy, buy, buy."You could easily spend a small fortune on Christmas decorations and miss the real decorations of the Spirit. You know the ones I mean—those that set an atmosphere for people to connect with Jesus at your house.These decorations aren't the big lights and giant blow-up snowmen you see in so many front yards. The decorations I'm talkin' about are simple. Real. And eternal.

Jesus likes simple

Jesus was born in a village that was low on the radar to the rest of Israel. At least until Herod got word of his birth and sent his assassins to Bethlehem to murder all the boy babies. (Not my favorite part of the Christmas story.)Throughout his life Jesus spent most of his time in towns of small size and little significance. That communicates a world of significance to me.Yes, he visited Jerusalem too, but not a lot. When there, he walked the one-and-a-half miles from the city to the village of Bethany to spend the night with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus or perhaps his friend Simon the Leper.Jesus relaxed among small town folk. He was most comfortable there. Maybe it reminded him of Nazareth where he grew up, but I think it was because the warmth of friends provided safety from the crowds that always surrounded him in the city.I don't know what your little world looks like. Maybe it's an apartment in the city or a little abode in a little town. Maybe it's a bedroom in a house shared with roommates. Whatever it is, your little world is important to Jesus.The warmth of your home at Christmas provides a safe place for you, your family, and all those who walk through your doors to connect with Jesus. It is a place that offers a welcome to the weary, hope to the discouraged, and love to the lonely.

4 ways to spiritually decorate your home for Christmas

Here are 4 tips via popular posts from Christmas past. Follow these tips and you'll find that your home, however small and insignificant in the world's eyes, draws people who need a rest from the holiday crowds and a safe place to find Jesus.1. Pray through your house. Invite the Spirit to garland his peace and joy throughout your rooms and hallways.2. Balance your busy life during the Christmas season—make room for Jesus.3. Allow a little Holy Disorder to unwrap your Christmas this year. It will keep you balanced. Really.4. Play beautiful music throughout the season. Fill your home with worship. Dance. Laugh. Make memories with the Lord.It doesn't take money or much time to spiritually decorate your home for Christmas, but the results carry far more impact than the decorations sold at Pier One, Target, or J. C. Penny.Enjoy the season with the One who's birthday you celebrate. Susan"Jesus likes it when we share." -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody's brother, but you know . . . all of your friends would be nice.


Nurture Your Spirit Video Clips for Christmas


Greed and Gratitude. Not a Good Mix.