Dang, That Took a Long Time
Best baby blanket turned toddler blanket ever! I started this baby blanket over two years ago for my soon-to-be-born grandson, Sawyer. He just turned two. Yep, it took me over two years to finish. Sometimes other things in life can slow you down. And I got distracted.But it's done. And cowboy handkerchiefs never looked so good.
You're worth it
God's work in us often takes longer than expected too. Usually that's our bad, not his. We get distracted.But here's the thing—it's never too late to refocus.No matter how you got sidetracked, God isn't finished with you yet. He knows what the finished project (you) looks like, and he's excited about finishing his masterpiece.You're so totally worth it to him.
God's work refocused
So . . . whatever area of your life missed the Spirit's craftsmanship because you got distracted, undistract yourself.Focus. Jesus is always waiting. He's still working behind the scenes even if you aren't aware of it. So he's probably already way ahead of you.What is it that God was doing in you that you set aside? (Don't give me that "I don't know" look. You know exactly what I'm talking about.)
Here's the deal
We mortals really screw life up sometimes. Or at least parts of it. Things that really matter are often the things we treat lightly.Build your spiritual legacy—ignore distractions and focus on God's work in you.Baby blankets can last a lifetime and bring wonderful memories. Sometimes they can even be a part of your spiritual legacy.But God's work IN you will last for eternity.Need a little more encouragement? See When Jesus Said Follow Me, He Was Asking You to Dance and Wanted: Wounded Storyteller.Have a great week, and I'll check in with you on Thursday.Susan"Jesus likes it when we share." -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody's brother, but you know . . . all of your friends would be nice.Sponsor: