Self-care Strategies For Girl Friends

Self Care Strategies for Girl Friends

This weekend I escaped to the hills of Creston with my Forever Girlfriends team for some serious meetings. It takes a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to map out a year of ministry for the women of Father's House, but we survived the brutal brainstorming sessions.Scattered between stacks of planning sheets, scheduling notes, and long hours of prayer, we found time for self-care strategies—a very important ingredient of ministry. I learned a lot from these spiritual women, and I'm pleased to pass their gems of wisdom on to you.

Self-care strategies for girl friends

Self Care Strategies for Girl Friends

Lonnie likes quiet reading

Self Care Strategies for Girl Friends

Kris puts funny pictures of herself on Facebook

self care strategy of walking

Diane enjoys taking walks

Self Care Strategies for Girl Friends

Carolyn captures odd photos of herself and her friends

Self Care Strategies for Girl Friends

Lee plays possum

Self Care Strategies for Girl Friends

Mary Jo unwinds in the kitchen

Self Care Strategies for Girl Friends

And me . . . well . . . I just enjoy being with girl friends!

So today I'm saying Hello Monday to all of my girl friends and encouraging you to take some time for self-care this week.Question: So tell us, really, what do you and your friends do for self-care?"Jesus likes it when we share." -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody's brother, but you know . . . all of your friends would be nice.Related posts:Twi-harder Fans Sink Teeth into Freaky Fun Breaking Dawn Part 2Self Care Strategies for Stressed Out DaysToday I'm connecting with Lisa Leonard for Hello Monday. Take a look.Sponsor:

Lisa Leonard Designs for building a legacy of faith

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