The Real Woman's Must-Have Packing List for a Christian Women's Retreat
I'm heading up to Santa Cruz tomorrow morning for a Christian women's retreat. As a speaker, pastor, and woman-who-needs-God, I've attended a lot of conferences and retreats over the years. I'm addicted.
Christian women's retreats bring a unique experience to me—Jesus encounters, laughter, crying, lots of talking, worshipping, and basically a potpourri of experiences crammed into one weekend.This weekend will be no different. I'm excited!And I'm practical. I have a lot to do before I leave, and packing is usually left to the very last-minute.I've learned that I need a packing check-off list that I can grab and use without thinking when it's 11:55 pm the night before I leave. When I do have a few minutes to pack early, I still revert to my packing list to make sure I don't forget anything.So here's my Real Woman's Must-Have Packing List for Christian women's retreats and conferences—just in case you begin to pack the night before your retreat begins.
Stuff to leave at home
- Husband and kids
- Worries and stress
- Any work you brought home from the office
- Perfume (Some women are allergic to perfume, especially in a room full of women. Be sensitive to their needs and leave your perfume at home.)
- Contact information at the retreat center for when cell phone reception is iffy.
Packing list for a Christian women's retreat
- A positive attitude
- A heart that wants to meet with Jesus
- Directions to the retreat site, gas money, or plane tickets
- Bible, pen, and notebook
- Special sleeping pillow
- French Press, favorite Starbucks coffee mug, Stevia, electric tea-pot, bottled water, and ground coffee—there are some things a girl just can't live without....
- Appropriate clothing and shoes for the destination
- Jewelry and other accessories
- Cute pajamas, ear plugs, and night hat (my head gets cold at night)
- Coat and umbrella if needed
- Make-up, hand mirror, and cleansing creams
- Hair supplies and blow dryer
- Toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, and deodorant
- Sleeping bag and towels if such things are not provided at the destination
- Vitamins and prescription medications
- Cash for spending on extra activities like shopping or renting a canoe
- Anything special that the retreat coordinators have asked attendees to bring
- Camera
- Cell phone and charger
Input? What did I forget? What can you add to my list?Have a great weekend. I know I will. Susan"Jesus likes it when we share." -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody's brother, but you know . . . all of your friends would be nice.Related posts:Guess Who's Coming to DinnerA few years ago The Christian Woman published a great blog post on Why Go to a Women's Retreat?