Yes, Prayer Changes Things!

 Do you ever wonder if prayer changes things? I believe it does, and it's Grandma Bessie's fault.

I have a small plaque in my dining room proclaiming Prayer Changes Things. It belonged to Grandma. She believed it. She lived it. And she passed that part of her faith legacy on to me.Now, more than ever, I am grabbing that truth and running with it.How many people do you know that are out of a job or facing economic hardship? Disunity in our political realm is at an all time high. War threatens the Middle East, and I'm not liking the hateful comments Iran is throwing our way.Divorce, immorality, drugs, and disillusionment permeate our culture. This is not good.I know we have a Presidential election in a few months, but neither a political party, nor a gifted President, can solve the ills of our nation.Only God can help us.

Prayer changes things

My husband likes to tell the true story of a woman named Genevieve who lived in France between 419 and 512. Bishop Germanus spotted Genevieve as a small girl in a crowd of people and prophesied over her.The prophecy declared that she would have grace and unshakable faith. Plus, she would bring many people to Christ in her lifetime.When Genevieve turned fifteen her parents died, and she went to live with her godmother in Paris. Genevieve was known for her visions, fasting, and godly lifestyle.Eventually Attila the Hun came killing, sacking, and doing what most bullies back then did—torching the great cities of the day: Rheims, Mainz, Strasbourg, Cologne, and Worms. In 451 he headed straight for Paris.As people panicked and prepared to flee, Genevieve courageously stood up and declared that God would protect their city if the people would repent, fast, and pray.The people responded by following Genevieve in a marathon of prayer and fasting.Amazingly, Attila and his hordes suddenly changed direction and headed for another city. Paris was left untouched.

Prayer changes things still

Genevieve inspires me. Her story is a legacy that motivates me to take courage and pray. God can still help us.Our community churches are joining together this Sunday evening for All City Prayer—a time for Atascadero Christians to fast and pray for our nation. I plan to go.Question: Where is prayer happening in your community, and how can you become involved?It's time for us to see that prayer changes things in the 21st century. It worked in 451, and it worked for Grandma Bessie.Praying with you, SusanRelated posts:Behind the Scenes and Center Stage With Prophetic IntercessionThe Prayer Foundation offers training and resources for those desiring to pray for the nations. Plus, Rod and Julie are just plain awesome people.Intercessors - God's End-time Vanguard"Jesus likes it when we share." -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody's brother, but you know . . . all of your friends would be nice.


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