When Jesus Said Follow me, He Was Asking You to Dance

When Jesus Said Follow Me post at Holy in the Daily by Susan Gaddis

When Jesus said, "Follow me," he was asking me to dance.


Following Jesus is a lot like dancing. In fact "guidance" contains the word "dance."When I let Jesus lead me, I find the flow of forward movement graceful, or grace filled.When I try to lead, everything becomes jerky and his toes get stepped on. A lot.My bad.I appreciate the gentle cues my Dance Partner gives—a light press in one direction or a whisper in my ear. Isaiah 30:21 says it this way:

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it."


I wonder what those around me observe? Do they see my life as one of jerky movements or do they see a graceful woman dancing with Jesus?I'm sure they've seen both. But I hope the older I get the better dance partner I become.My goal—to have others learn how to dance gracefully with the Lord of the Dance by watching me dance with Jesus.Share your dance tips: How are your dance lessons going? Share your tips in the comment section below.Related posts: Dancing In the Midst of Difficulty

Susan Gaddis, Helping you build a spiritual legacy

"Jesus likes it when we share." -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody's brother, but you know . . . all of your friends would be nice.


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