Discover the Christian's Secret to Business Success

Well dang, I've started a new direction in my writing and need to know the secret to success. I've check Google for articles and mentors in the Succeeding in Business Department and have received all kinds of advice—most indicating that there is no magic bullet unless I purchase their "Magic Bullet Online Marketing Course" that will guarantee me instant, millionaire, awesomeness business success.So I've gone back to what I know and value. I can do the work of getting my books up in ebook format, updating my website and blog, and learning the ins and outs of social marketing, but none of it will mean diddly-squat if I neglect this one, foundational ingredient for success in business:

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful (Joshua 1:8 NIV).

First bit of work, which is more important than any other work I do for my business, is to meditate on God's Word during the day and let it marinate in me during the night.OH, but there's more! (I copied that line from the Magic Bullet Online Marketing Course ad.) The next condition is that I have to be strong and courageous—unafraid in the face of economic hardships and a huge amount of competition. *looks for the nearest blanket to hide under*

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9 NIV).

Are you feeling overwhelmed yet? Ready to drop this like a hot potato and purchase that online millionaire's course mentioned earlier?

Let's break this down, shall we?

My responsibility:

  • Memorize, meditate, and marinate in God's Word.
  • Obey the instructions I find written there—think them, do them, and let them adjust my attitude and my actions.
  • Don't let my self-talk go the direction of discouragement and fear. Grab onto the Word that has been marinating inside of me and let it be what motivates me—not fear.

God's responsibility:

  • He will be with me wherever I go—through all the twists and turns of running a business and learning new things.
  • Fulfill his promise of making my business prosperous and successful.

So the questions now are:

Will I mind my part of the business and let God take care of his?Can I keep my mental musings out of his arena of responsibility and focus on mine?I have a little book of flip cards where I write down all the promises God has for my business. Joshua 1:8-9 heads the pack. I read it, recite it, pray it, and muse on it everyday. Amazingly, the Spirit Holy will bring those words up to my memory when I'm tempted to let discouragement invade my mental musings. (I think that has something to do with the Spirit being the guard of peace around my heart and mind mentioned in Philippians 4:6-7.)So, what you have found helpful in marinating in God's Word, and how has that influenced your business? Inquiring minds want, and need, to know.

Susan Gaddis, Helping you build your spiritual legacy


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