The Secret to Being a Supernatural Follower of Jesus
As a follower of Christ I often find myself with low energy and little strength. It seems I try so hard to live according to God’s directives, yet fall so short. I know my strength is often located in the wrong place—me!Now, I’ve got a lot of talents and a lot of experience, so you would think I have a lot to be strong in. But that’s just the problem—my abilities, wisdom, and actions just aren’t enough to walk rightly with Jesus. He is walking on paths my natural humanity can’t follow.2 Timothy 2:1 tells me to “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” Therefore, the key to following Jesus is grace. Rather than being strong in Susan, I am to be strong in grace. But what does that mean—do I need to find a gym where I can schedule a regular grace workout?The word strong means to be enabled or energized. So the verse can be read this way, “Be enabled and energized by the grace that is in Christ Jesus.”The grace that is in Christ is very, very powerful and there is a lot of it. Titus 2:11-12 tells me that it was grace that brought salvation to all mankind—that’s a lot of powerful grace—more than I will ever need.But grace didn’t just bring salvation to me—grace also empowers me. That’s why I have to be strong in grace, not strong in Susan.
Signals that you aren’t tapping into grace:
Frustration, irritability, stress, discouragement, lack of joy, tiredness, and a lot of emotional sweat!
How to be strong in grace:
Interestingly, to be strong in grace means that I don’t try to “live the Christian life.” Being strong in grace means I get close to Jesus and listen for the voice of the Spirit. Jesus and the Spirit become my focus, not what I should or shouldn’t be doing.Grace and truth come through Jesus (John 1:17), and as I lean into him and rest in him, truth is understood and grace empowers me to walk in that truth.Read the Word—that’s the main location Jesus deposited his truth. Get to know Jesus through his Word. Talk with him. Quiet yourself and listen for his Spirit’s voice speaking within you. Use the Scriptures as a way to lean into Jesus, growing closer by spending time with him.Then when the Spirit Holy brings something to your attention out of the Word, rest in it. Whatever truth the Spirit reveals to you cannot be embraced in your own strength, even if it seems like a simple directive.Ask the Spirit for the grace needed to walk out the truth he has brought to your attention. Process it with him mentally, emotionally, and within your spirit. Then simply do what he says. His grace will enable and energize you to do what he is directing.Do the same thing with whatever the Spirit brings before you. If God captures your attention with a sermon, listen to what the Spirit is communicating, but don’t try to walk in it outside of grace. Supernatural living wasn’t meant to be engaged through natural abilities.
Signals that you are tapping into grace:
Peace, joy, wisdom, rest, counsel, strength, courage, and energy.It is only through being strong in the grace of Christ that you and I will find the energy and ability to walk this supernatural path of following Jesus.What do you think? Leave a comment if you found this post helpful, confusing, or want to add another thought to being strong in grace.And, if you found this post helpful, pass it on by clicking one of the Share and Enjoy buttons below.
In Him together, Susan Gaddis