Praying Your Child Through a Difficult Time

a man on Praying Your Child Through a Difficult Time post at Holy in the Daily

Parents hurt when their child goes through a difficult time. No matter what the age of the child—be it six, sixteen, or forty-six—a parent still connects on some unknown level with the hurt or stress the child is experiencing.Temptations abound in our culture. Dysfunctional people, difficult work environments, and unexpected negative circumstances often invade our children’s lives. Often their own immaturity only makes things worse. A skinned knee is easily remedied—cancer or divorce is not.

The Scripture

One Scripture I often pray for my kids is Psalm 35:103: “Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me. Take up shield and armor; arise and come to my aid. Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me. Say to me, ‘I am your salvation’” (NIV).

The Prayer

Personalizing this verse in prayer looks something like this:

Lord, you know the enemy pursuing my son, Sam. You know those who are contending for his soul. I remind you, Lord—you have promised to contend with those who fight against the plans and purposes you have for Sam.In the spirit realm, I ask that you take up your shield and armor and come to his aid. Wield your spear and javelin against those who pursue him. War against the spirits of: (insert the name of what you are fighting here—fear, sickness, deception, sexual temptation, alcohol, drugs, poverty, cancer, divorce, depression, etc.). Take them out!Say to Sam, “I am your salvation, Sam.” Open his ears to hear you remind him that you truly are his Deliverer. May Sam see you working on his behalf, and may he respond to your voice. Thank you, Lord, that you love Sam more than I do, and you know exactly how to fight for him. In Jesus name, Amen.

Of course this prayer can also be prayed for others as well as yourself--not just your kids. What Scripture do you consistently use when you sense the need to pray for one of your children or someone else you love?

In Him together, Susan Gaddis


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