A Simple Celtic Prayer for Reconciliation

arm with a Celtic tattoo reaching towards the sky from a post at Holy in the Daily

Here I stand;and I say a prayer.

Celtic Christians were known for their simple, yet profound, prayers. Easily memorized for instant recall as a person went about his daily duties, Celtic prayers were learned at a young age and woven into every life situation. This Celtic prayer for reconciliation, from Celtic Daily Prayer, captures the strength found in such praying.

Lord, let our memory provide no shelter for grievance against each other.Lord, Let our heart provide no harbor for hatred of each other.Lord, let our tongue be no accomplice in the judgment of each other.

The mission of Jesus Christ to planet Earth was one of reconciliation—reconnecting man with God. Reconciliation between men flows out of the fulfillment of that mission. Shouldn't reconciliation also be our prayer?

What’s your experience in the art of simple praying? What's your experience in praying for reconciliation?(For more posts on Celtic prayers click Celtic Christianity under the sidebar section “Posts by Topic.” You’ll also find Celtic Daily Prayer in the far right sidebar—a book I highly recommend.)

In Him together, Susan Gaddis


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