What Story Are You Living?

There are many scripts defining your life: The story you tell about yourself in your head. The story others tell about you or think about you. The story the enemy of your soul wants to create for you. But the story that matters is the one the Author of Life is writing for you. Which story are you living?The easiest script to follow is the one running just below the surface of your thoughts. You know the one—“I’m not worthy." "I’ve made a mistake AGAIN." "I’m never going to be the person I really want to be.” Or perhaps it sounds like, “I deserve better than this." "It’s not fair." "It’s not my fault." "If he would just change, my life would be better.”Some choose to live the story others create for them. If you’re not careful, the expectations of your parents, spouse, kids, boss, or friends easily transcribes into your storyline.A saga is often written by believing the opinions and judgments people place upon you. “You are difficult to live with." "You can’t keep a job." "You’re not a good parent.” People only see a facet of the complex person we really are, yet we tend to let their opinions define us.The Destroyer of Souls creates his narrative for you based on the negative things you believe about yourself, whether gleaned from the story in your head or the things others think about you. The titles of Satan's tales might read: The Good Wife, The Fugitive, Death Becomes Her, The Mother-In-Law, or Little House of Horrors.You play a variety of roles in any of these stories—victim, hero, lost soul, damaged goods, villain, child, parent, or savior. Yet, none of these characters is really the starring role in the script God is writing for you.God was writing your story before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4). He is the author and finisher of your journey (Hebrews 12:2). God introduced your story when he intricately formed you in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139). The place and time of your birth were purposely planned by him (Acts 17:26). The life script bearing your name contains such descriptions as pure, holy, and blameless (Ephesians 1). The exciting part waits to be given voice by you, but you have to step into the story.Which story are you living? Share your journey with us in the comment section below.

Join me for coffee on Monday and we’ll talk about how to daily Step into Your Story.

In Him together, Susan Gaddis



Step Into Your Story


Really, How Old Are You?