Guess Who's Coming For Christmas
Making a list and checking it twice!
- House decorated---check!
- Christmas Eve dinner reservations made at Novos---check!
- Menu planned for Christmas day---check!
- Gifts bought and wrapped---workin' on it.
- Waiting for Christ . . . say what?
Whoops! The holidays showed up and our hectic lives just became more chaotic.Things haven't changed much over the centuries. The first Christmas saw folks traveling, crowding the local motels, and reuniting with family. A nationwide census stressed everyone. In the midst of the chaos, a stable served as an emergency birthing room. Most people didn't have a clue that the Messiah had arrived; many didn't even know he was coming.Advent calls us aside to wait and watch for Christ---joyously, quietly, and with purpose. That means finding a few minutes here and there throughout each day to focus on the reality of God becoming a man. Prophets foretold God's advent into humanity. In fact, Jesus referred to the Old Testament prophecies as a way of explaining his identity and his intentions (see Luke 24:13-32).I've listed some of those Old Testament prophecies and their New Testament fulfillment below---just in case you need a quick reference. Pondering these ancient words informs my waiting and expectancy for the One Who is Christmas. Consider adding a little of the Holy to your daily by reading and discussing a prophecy each night this week with your family during dinner.
- His birthplace: Micha 5:2 (Luke 2:4,6,7)
- His birth: Isaiah 7:14 (Matthew 1:18,22,23)
- His childhood in Egypt: Hosea 11:1 (Matthew 2:14,15)
- His betrayal: Zechariah 11:12, 13 (Matthew 26:14:16)
- His death: Psalm 22 (Matthew 27)
- His resurrection: 16:9-10 (Acts 2:31)
- The purpose for His death and resurrection: Isaiah 53:4-6 (2 Corinthians 5:21 and 1 Peter 2:24)
What do you find in your reading of these prophecies that binds you to the Christ of Christmas?
In Him together, Susan Gaddis