Holy in the Daily

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You’re doing better than you realize

You are doing better than you realize.

Life has moved forward bringing blessings you never expected. You’ve embraced those blessings with open arms.

And yes, there are other changes the years have brought that haven’t been as easy to wrap your arms around.

In fact, you need encouragement as you grow older

Some changes have been heartbreaking. Others, an inconvenience.

  • You’re moving slower. Instead of one doctor, you now have a variety of them.
  • You’re counting your pennies more than you used to.
  • Your social circle has lost more than one friend who has relocated out of the area or even to Heaven.
  • Sometimes you can’t remember the name of a friend or colleague, and that bugs you.
  • The kids have lives that don’t need your day-to-day involvement. It often feels lonely.

Aging does that—it brings changes that aren’t ones you choose, but they happen. And you deal with them.

Because you know that your life is bigger than what it appears to be

Your simple words of encouragement are shared with grandchildren, neighbors, and friends on social media.

Those words aren’t forgotten. They go deep into a person’s spirit.

Your little acts of kindness are like hugs from Jesus to those who need Him.

Wisdom seeps through your prayers and casual conversations.

People see you facing the future free of fear because He who created you has promised to walk every step of the way with you.

You’ve wrapped yourself in His grace…

…and you’re committed to discovering what that grace looks like as you face the unknown.

You know you are destined to fly with the Holy Spirit through the heavens, dance on streets of gold, and laugh yourself silly with old friends as you walk along the river of life.

Getting there may not be the most fun you’ve ever had, but you’re determined to finish your race well.

You’re keeping your eyes on Jesus, the author, and finisher of your faith.

He’s writing your story, even when you don’t realize it. He’ll wrap it up full of faith.

And someday when you stand before Him, you’ll hear the words your heart longs for: “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

But in the meantime… the time of waiting and living… others see. Others know.

You are modeling what grace looks like in the second half of life.

It looks good on you.

You go, girl!

Or should I say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”



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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Susan Zollmann

    Wonderful encouragement on a day that my perspective was wavering…thx, Susan <3

  2. Susan Gaddis

    Oh, that warms my heart, Susan. Thank YOU for the encouragement!

  3. Felisa

    OK, OK I get it. Trying!!! Love ya bud!!!

    1. Susan Gaddis

      Love you too, Felisa. And laughing with you. 🙂 You’ve got this!

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