Holy in the Daily

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When You Need a Valentine

So everybody has a valentine but you. You were the kid in kindergarten who got left off of everybody’s valentine list, or at least you feel like it. You need a valentine.

Single or married, you’re still lonely inside. You need a valentine.

You can’t remember what it felt like to have a soul mate. You need a valentine.

Maybe you’re the exception to the rule, but if you’re honest, you know that no one can fill every corner of your heart. No one has the capacity to fill your need to be loved and cherished. That’s why you need Jesus.

I admit, it does help to have a special someone that loves you, brings joy to your heart, and takes out the garbage. I hope there is someone like that in your life. But if you’re feeling a little down this Valentine’s Day, I wanted to cheer you up with some posts that validate you and give you ways to enjoy the holiday.

When You Need a Valentine

Don’t Miss the Real Valentine

3 Free Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas

The Supernatural Self-focused Love Ingredient

How to Let God Love You

It’s Time to Get to Know Your Invisible Bridegroom

How the Power of Validation Can Change a Life

Have a joy filled Valentine’s Day.


“Jesus likes it when we share.” -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody’s brother, but you know . . . all of your friends would be nice.

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