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An Invitation to Sabbath Rest {Thursday Therapy}

My busy life used to hold little room for Sabbath rest. Even when I did take time off from work and other responsibilities, I seldom really rested. (I’ll bet it’s the same with you.) That leaves us crabby, sick, tired, and a poor representation of God in the midst of our world. And we wonder where our intimacy with Jesus went! Dah!

In his book, Sabbath, Dan B. Allender asks the question, “What would I do for a twenty-four-hour period of time if the only criteria was to pursue my deepest joy?”

I’ll bet you never thought of Sabbath like that, did ya!

The command of Sabbath rest is given in Scripture and fulfilled by finding our rest in Christ Jesus. Yet, when I ask people what “finding rest in Jesus” looks like, I receive answers that make me doubt they really know how to live out Sabbath rest or feel the need to do so.

My Sabbath rest journey

About six years ago I needed rest. Lots of it. So I started a journey of incorporating a Sabbath day into my week.

A part of this journey included reading books that would mentor me about Sabbath and how Jesus could be the source of my Sabbath rest.

The result has brought new life to this overworked, stressed out, multitasking professional.

I’ve found that I’m not alone. Many people are in need of incorporating a Sabbath rest into their stressful lives. *eyes glare at you knowingly*

Therefore, I decided to share some of my Books that Mentor with you that focus on Sabbath rest. Hopefully, you’ll find the same richness, freedom, and understanding from these authors that I have. (Click on a title link for a full description of the book.)

Sabbath rest books that mentor

The Rest of God: Restoring Your Soul by Restoring Sabbath by Mark Buchanan

Rest: Living in Sabbath Simplicity by Keri Wyatt Kent

Sabbath by Dan B. Allender

The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel

Sabbath Keeping: Finding Freedom in the Rhythms of Rest by Lynne M. Baab

If you would like more information on practicing Sabbath, visit my old blog Sabbath and Sabbaticals. The posts may be old, but they are still relevant.

Do you practice a regular Sabbath rest, and if so, what does it usually look like? If not, what are you going to do about it? (Really . . . share with us in the comment section below.)

Resting with you, Susan

“Jesus likes it when we share.” -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody’s brother, but you know . . . all of your friends would be nice. (You can use the little share buttons at the bottom of this post.)

Related posts:

Six Ways to Open the Gift of Rest

How to Take a Break From Managing the Universe

How to Harvest Time

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