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The Back to School Prayer That Gets God’s Attention

A back to school prayer for a child can calm the anxiety a parent feels in today’s culture of school violence, drugs, peer pressure, and bullying. I know—I’m a parent of six and grandparent of nine.

One of my favorite back to school prayers is the same prayer Jesus prays for me. Therefore, I know it will get God’s attention.

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world, but that you protect them from the evil one (John 17:15 NIV1984).

In the midst of a world imploding, Jesus prayed for me and mine. I know I can quote him!

I view this as sanctified “name dropping”—a prayer authorized by the One who planned my child’s existence from before the foundation of the world.

Back to School Prayer

Reminding the Father of this prayer reads something like this:

Father, I remind you that Jesus has already asked that (child’s name) remain in the world, but under your protection from the evil one. I agree with Jesus and ask that you protect (child’s name) from the evils of violence, drugs, and bullying while he/she is at school today.

May (child’s name) be a powerful force for good in the school where you have placed (child’s name). Guard my child’s mind, body, and spirit, and may your favor surround (child’s name) as a shield.

OK, so I cheated. I slipped in the last part about a shield of favor, but it really does fit (see Psalm 5:12).

As you pray this back to school prayer for your child, imagine a Marine guard of angels escorting your child through the day’s activities. Can you also picture the huge shield of favor surrounding him or her?

Teachers and peers will bump into that shield of favor all day long insuring a safe and favorable school experience for your child. Makes for a great visual aid, doesn’t it?

What prayer needs do you have for your kids and grandkids as they head back to school this fall? List them in the comment section below, and I’ll add it to my prayer list. Praying with you, Susan

Related posts:

Praying For Your Kids—links to all my posts on praying for your kids.

You’ll enjoy Kristen’s post on How to Really Pray For Your Kids over at We Are That Family.

“Jesus likes it when we share.” -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody’s brother, but you know, all of your friends would be nice.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Yolanda

    I would like for you to pray for my children Dominique and Dallas that they both excel in school especially math.

    1. Susan Gaddis

      I’m praying for your children, Yolanda. Thanks for stopping by.

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