Holy in the Daily

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Why Train Adventures and Spirit Places Can Help You Grow

train tracks for Holy in the Daily

I’ve lived on the Central Coast of California my whole life, except for four years at Bible College in Southern California. I’ve driven the roads, smelled the sea, and enjoyed the ranches. There are ranches still here, you know, in between the big cities and beach communities.

Hanging Out On the Train

Last week was my first trip in a “real” train. Rather than get up before the bullfrogs grew quiet and exhaust myself driving three hours to a morning meeting, I decided to leave a day early and enjoy the adventure. I was also longing for a few hours alone with my thoughts and Jesus.

We live in two dimensions, the natural and the supernatural. As citizens of heaven who live on earth, we operate as supernatural people whether we realize it or not.

Heaven is Headquarters for us, and our operating instructions originate there. What we are to do and how we are to think are adjusted as we sit in the presence of the Lord and respond to his love and voice within us. The train ride provided me a place and time to consciously dwell in both the natural and the supernatural dimensions.

Hanging Out in Spirit Places

I make a practice of thinking my thoughts before the Lord, but often I slip and realize that whatever current thought is running through my mind wouldn’t be seemly in the High Court of the King.

I like to hang out in that spirit place—the High Court. It is there I usually realize that a certain thought is a speculation or suspicion rather than a real Spirit nudge.

You’ve probably experienced this too—dwelling on something that isn’t provable or any of your business, but you want to think on it anyway, so you call it a spirit nudge, leading, discernment, or some other religious wording.

That’s self-deception, you know. Who needs Satan to deceive us when we are so good at it ourselves?

Close your eyes and picture yourself in the High Court of the King of Kings. Would you be thinking such thoughts in such a place? Would they provide your Attorney and Advocate the kind of material needed to bring healing and freedom to you or another?  I doubt it.

Hanging out in the High Court adjusts my deceptive attitudes and the wrong thought processes that feed them. I figure it’s good practice since I’ll be spending eternity future in the vicinity of that Court and in the presence of the King.

Train adventures and spirit places—what a combination. Yet if I grow from it, and that growth impacts how I relate to others, then it is a combination worth investing in for my spiritual legacy.

Now it’s your turn: What natural adventures and spiritual practices are contributing to your growth and influence for others? Click on the comment link below and share your thoughts with us.

Susan Gaddis, Helping you build your spiritual legacy

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jeanette Morris

    Good food for thought on a bright Monday morning. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  2. Susan Gaddis

    I’m glad you stopped by, Jeanette, and that you found the post helpful. Thanks for the encouragement.

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