Holy in the Daily

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Why Skinny Dipping is an Important Part of Summer

night priority swim sign for Holy in the Daily post

Did you ever go skinny dipping (swimming in the nude) when you were young? I know that seems to be a guy sport, but summer wasn’t summer unless a few of us girls took a midnight swim in the buff—no boys allowed.

Sneakiness provided adventure, and the coolness of the water provided relief from the hot summer nights. Splashing accented laughter as we cooled down our bodies and quieted our cares.

Nowhere can you feel the glory of a starry sky as much as you do on a quiet night floating on your back gazing up at God’s awesomeness. And nowhere do you feel as fully human. I think skinny dipping is one of my favorite holy moment memories.

Well, it is getting late as I write this and it’s been a long, hot day. The house is quiet and the boys are in bed. You probably don’t want to come visiting our pool area late on a dark summer night. I’m sure the boys still sneak in a late night skinny dip every once in a while.

I know I do.

Did you ever go skinny dipping? Do you still? If not, what is one of your holy moment summer memories?

In Him together, Susan Gaddis

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Mc Chavez

    I love this.

  2. Carrie Calmere

    Inspiring….. 😉

  3. Jim

    Folks think I am crazy, but if there is a body of water around, I’m likely going to be in it, and if possible as natural as God created me. Nothing better to sooth the troubles away.

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