Holy in the Daily

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5 Ways to Make Valentine’s Day Simple, Special, and Inexpensive

book of love from Holy in the Daily

This year finances are tight, so we are spending Valentine’s Day at home—keeping it simple, special, and inexpensive. Here are my plans, but don’t tell Tom!

Here are 5 Ways to Make Valentine’s Day Simple

1.  Simple—Buy an inexpensive journal from the Dollar Store and begin a Valentine’s Journal for the love of your life. List the ways this person blesses you, reminds you of Jesus, and deepens your spiritual journey.

Record a favorite memory or the words to a song that speaks of your relationship. Tape a photo onto one of the pages or add the menu from the coffee shop you frequent together.

A Scripture from Song of Solomon or a poem placed here and there throughout the journal gives the book a romantic feel. Include a note in the front of the journal explaining your intentions of adding to the book in the years ahead.

2.  Simple—Enrich the atmosphere by using your finest dishes for a home cooked, special dinner and adding flowers or candles to the table. Pull out a CD you haven’t listened to in ages and play it for background music during the evening. You can also choose the genre of music that appeals to you on Pandora and play it free from your laptop. Eat, dance, and share the memories that mark your relationship as special.

3.  Simple—Do an Internet search for romantic quotes you can copy onto slips of paper. Leave these scattered around the house for your lover to find. For example, tape one to the bathroom mirror, another to the closet door, leave some on the bed pillow and put several on your dinner plates.

4.  Simple—Arrange for the children to be gone. We have given our teenagers several options for the evening—all away from home. If you have younger children, put them to bed early or see if a friend will take them for a few hours. If needed, trade childcare with another couple and celebrate Valentine’s Day on separate days. This way each couple can enjoy an evening free of the responsibility of children.

5.  Simple—Pray. Ask the Lord to bless your time together and honor it with his presence. After all, he is the Lover of your soul and your eternal Bridegroom. I think he knows a thing or two about romance!

What unique ideas can you add to this list? What Valentine’s Day traditions can you share with us? Write your thoughts in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you.

In Him together, Susan Gaddis

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mary

    Arrange for your children to be gone. Hmm… 😉

  2. Susanne

    Reading those simple things makes me wish I had a Valentine – I’ll keep it all in mind, for the day I do 🙂

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