Holy in the Daily

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The Gift of a Simple Year

clothes pins on a clothes line from a post at Holy in the Daily

The New Year comes. May you experience the gift of simple days where the Holy walks with the ordinary. “I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live. That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil—this is the gift of God” (Eccl. 3:12–13 NIV).

Sometimes I forget to notice the simple joys that comprise my daily routine. A morning kiss served with a cup of coffee, the fresh smell of laundry cleaned, a meal together at the end of the day—these are the threads weaving my life into holy days.

Most of us are oblivious to the Holy tucked away in the corners of our life. We want the sparkle and flashing lights that come with the announcement of angels and the riches of the wise men. But Christmas is over and a New Year awaits us. I hope this year to embrace the simple more.

In The Rest of God, Mark Buchanan comments, “This is a gift of God: to experience the sacred amidst the commonplace—to taste heaven in our daily bread, a new heaven and new earth in a mouthful of wine, joy in the ache of our muscles or the sweat of our brows.”

Where do you find the sacred amidst the commonplace? What are the simple joys that tie the Holy to your day?

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Jeanette Morris

    When I see, learn, feel, hear that another has succeeded or been blessed as a result of my presence on this earth–even in the tiniest way–I sense God’s pleasure and this to me is the Holy in the daily. Often my presence is communicated through words–written or spoken in obedience at divinely appointed moments. Other times I just show up and know that Christ in me, the hope of glory, is able to encourage, strengthen, or support someone who needs that simple gesture of caring enough to be there. I do long for a “simple” year. Can’t imagine what it might look like…

  2. Melody

    Again I return to my soon-to-be adopted son. He has some special needs and is a bit delayed. When I wipe his drool excessive, change his diaper (he’s only 2, so diapers are to be expected), try to bring him down out of a “rage” and then hold him as he cries big tears of frustration, answer questions about his sometimes “odd” behavior I feel the Lord with me, loving little Ian with me, loving me as I love Ian. I must seem so very delayed at time in my walk with the Lord. I rage and cry, I don’t “get” some of the simplest tasks of righteousness, I don’t understand what He is saying to me sometimes. He loves me and helps me through just as I help little Ian. Thank God for His love and mercies. Thank God for His unending mercies!

  3. Susan Gaddis

    What a wonderful comparison, Melody. Thank you for sharing those insights from your mothering experiences. I can’t imagine what it must be like to raise the children you do. Your life looks so much like Jesus to me.

    Jeanette, I know that when you show up in my life, Christ is there. Thank you for being a part of my journey.

  4. julie

    The simple task that care great weight of holiness. It is in those daily tasks that we can teach grace and authority to our children and those around us. That the honor in the simple things, that may not be revealed here on earth is much richer in the embrace of the Father. Thank you Susan, this simplicity is so mundain yet so profound to remember.

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