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The Advent Conspiracy Strikes Again

The Advent Conspiracy is out to change your holiday season!

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Dani

    Love this!

  2. Jeanette Morris

    Thank you for posting this reminder of our excessiveness and worse…the mentality that promotes it to the point of performance anxiety. Immediately a voice in my head mocks…”people don’t really want your presence–they want a present!” Yet, I am so sure that my presence, because of Christ in me, can make a difference. Today I will purpose to live out that truth.

  3. Lora Dawes

    There was a prophetic word in our Wed. evening service emphasizing that the season is about giving- giving the good news to others, giving unconditional love, giving forgiveness, giving your presence. That He is the ultimate present, already given, and we are to turn and give Him out to those who don’t have Him through our love. He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

  4. Susan Gaddis

    Really great comments. It is about giving and about Jesus as the present given. Good reminders. Thank you all for sharing.

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