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How to Live a Balanced Life From the Lives of Celtic Christians

How to Live a Balanced Life From the Lives of Celtic Christians by Susan Gaddis at Holy in the Daily

Do you ever wonder how to live a balanced life? Do you have too much of one thing going on and not enough of something else? Who doesn’t want a balanced life, right?

I appreciate the spiritual legacy left by the Celtic Christians. They had a way of blending the things of the spirit with the everyday work of living, which brought their world into balance.

Yesterday was a holiday and today is work—part of the harmony of living. That being so, I thought I’d share a Celtic poem from Hebridean Altars about living in balance.

Labour and rest, work and ease,

the busy hand, and then the skilled thought:

this blending of opposites

is the secret

of the joy of living.

Question: What brings your life into balance? What “blending of opposites” brings joy to your life? Share with us in the comment section below.

Related posts:

Morning Work Prayer

How to Pray a Celtic Christian Circle Prayer

Michael Hyatt shared his thoughts along these lines in How Your Life is Like a Tapestry. I think you’ll relate to his words.

“Jesus likes it when we share,” -Adelaide, age 3: Pass this along to everybody and their brother. OK, maybe not everybody’s brother, but you know . . . all of your friends would be nice.

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