Holy in the Daily

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5 Truths About Time

a clock on 5 Truths About Time post at Holy in the Daily

The last item on my New Year’s resolutions list states, “Take your time. Slow down. Enjoy what God has given you. After all, it is your time to take.” Five things pop into my mind concerning time.

  1. Time is uncontrollable. It passes whether I want it to or not. I can’t slow time down or speed it up. Time is a reality that carries my day along.
  2. Only a small allotment of time is given me to live this life. “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:14 NIV).
  3. My time belongs to me. I choose what to do with it. I can slow myself down and savor special moments. I can choose to work or not work, play or not play, or simply sleep. I can utilize time or waste it—the choice belongs to me.
  4. I may not be able to choose all the circumstances of my life, but I can choose how I will respond to them. My chosen response will determine if the circumstance is experienced as time well spent or not.
  5. Because I choose how to spend my allotted time, I am responsible for it. I will someday give an account to the Creator of Time. I want that account to be well balanced, which means I need to take seriously my 2011 New Year’s resolutions.

What do you think?

What kind of an account will you be giving to the Creator of Time when you vanish like a mist? Take your time before you answer. After all, it’s your time to take.

In Him together, Susan Gaddis

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Lilly Green

    I sometimes think of folks in earlier generations who only had a lifespan of 30-50 years in which to sow good fruit. Some of those perhaps did so much more in their short lives that I have done or am capable of doing in my now 59 years; however, each of us has our own story to write, and the ending is what really counts!

  2. Kathy Nutt

    Ouch! of all days to write this…..: )

    Thank you for your faithfulness!

  3. Susan Gaddis

    I’ve thought those same things, Lilly, and wondered at how slow I am to “get it” in so many ways. But, you are right, it is the ending that really counts. That comforts me.

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